27 Lessons I’ve Learned in 27 Years of Existing

27 lessons I've learned in 27 years of existence.
27 Lessons I’ve Learned in 27 Years of Existing.

What is life if not an accumulation of experiences? And what are experiences if they don’t convert to lessons? Small or big, simple or complex, relatable or vague – here are 27 lessons I’ve learned in 27 years of existing.

  1. Always write things down as soon as they occur to you exactly as they occur to you, because that is the exact feeling you want to convey through your words.
  2. Not every person you meet is going to be your best friend for life.
  3. Don’t hold on to old feelings from old memories. In stead channel that energy into extracting new feelings from making new memories.
  4. It’s okay not to be the most presentable person all the times. Most people don’t care how you look anymore anyway.
  5. Don’t overthink or preempt anything, not even life. Let every event, every opportunity, every moment play out in its own way.
  6. Not everyone is interested in looking for the same life meaning as you are.
  7. A little bit of respect and kindness can go a long way.

    27 lessons I've learned in 27 years.
  8. It’s okay to want to re-watch Friends or Silicon Valley for the third time in 2 years. Do what makes you laugh as much as you can, while you can.
  9. Read as much National Geographic as you can. It makes for excellent conversations with people of all ages.
  10. It’s okay to have the lowest possible expectations from anyone or anything. It reduces your quotient for unhappiness drastically.
  11. When life is good, don’t just spend it reveling in the fun. Take a step back every once in a while to just say ‘thank you’.
  12. Capture memories, not just moments.
  13. Honest answers are always better than appropriate answers. People may not always understand or agree with you, but at some point they WILL resonate with you.
  14. White lilies don’t bloom in every season, so take the picture when you have the chance!

    27 lessons I've learned in 27 years.
  15. Long solitary walks are better healers than long warm baths. Plus, there is no guilt over unnecessary usage of water.
  16. Sad or depressed or just tired, never neglect your skin.
  17. Although painful and draining, the first day of your period is always your happiest day after days of experiencing excruciating bouts of PMS.
  18. Flowers always look better growing in the wild than by your bedside.
  19. At any age it is always healthier to release your stress and sadness through tears than keeping it all bottled up.
  20. It’s always the little things, small details, tiny efforts that add up.
  21. Shopping for your folks inexplicably brings you more happiness than shopping for yourself.

    27 lessons I've learned in 27 years.
    Further ahead..
  22. The law of attraction is only as real as you believe it is.
  23. The best things in life only come to you only when they are meant to. Don’t rush anything.
  24. Take pride in the fact that you don’t look 27 because mentally you could be feeling 67.
  25. Rejection is nothing but a form of projection.
  26. When you want something done in a particular way, do it yourself. No one can replicate the vision in your head other than you.
  27. It makes a huge difference when you actually practice at least one thing that you preach.

    27 lessons I've learned in 27 years.
    Looking back..

3 thoughts on “27 Lessons I’ve Learned in 27 Years of Existing”

    1. everything besides the bathtub thing!!! Thats coming from someone who takes long walks almost every other day!! Thats a tie!!!

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